Pool Buying Guide

Interested in building an inground, above ground, or semi-inground pool in your backyard, but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place. Our team of pool pros have years of experience to help you navigate the ins and outs of building your first pool. Find all the information you need to make the right decision, right here at Aquatic Pools LLC.

Permits, Zoning, & Regulations

Before you begin planning your dream pool, keep in mind that residential swimming pools may be regulated by the state, county, and city. So, depending on your location, there may be restrictions or laws put in place that you need to comply with.

Talk to your local Agency or homeowner’s association (HOA) about any potential zoning requirements, building regulations, easements, fees and official inspections before selecting a pool site. You’ll also need to obtain a swimming pool permit from your area’s Agency.

Please note: Above ground and semi-inground pool permitting is the responsibility of the homeowner.

Planning Your Pool Site

Once you get the green light to build and have obtained a permit, the first major step is to plan your pool site. While there are different types, shapes, and sizes of swimming pools to consider, it’s important that the size of your yard meets the requirements for your pool first and foremost.

Carefully look over your property for the most ideal pool location. Here are some thoughts to keep in mind while deciding on your pool site:

  1. Place the pool where it’s easy to access and see from your house.
  2. Consider extra space for decks, patios, slides, and spas you may want to add.
  3. We recommend utilizing the sunniest location to keep your pool water warm.
  4. Avoid having tree branches overhead if possible. As a general rule, pools should be 8-10′ from trees.
  5. Keep the pool away from windy areas, as wind blowing over a pool can greatly increase evaporation.
  6. Consider access to electric hook-up.
  7. Place the pool so the yard will drain away from the pool.
  8. If possible, place filter and skimmer at the downwind side of the pool. This will provide the most effective skimming action.
  9. Allow enough room to work, to bring in necessary equipment (i.e. a Bobcat) and material (i.e. sand), and to keep disruption to yard at a minimum. A 10’ opening into your yard is needed to accommodate equipment and materials necessary for the installation.
  10. Treat any existing nutgrass in and around pool site before installation of an above ground pool. If nutgrass is present, spray the area with Triox by Ortho or have a lawn care service professional spray the area.
  11. NEVER install a pool on fill dirt.
  12. NEVER build a pool under overhead power lines.
  13. NEVER build up surface or low spots (always dig away to level surface) unless professionally installed.
  14. NEVER locate pool over underground lines, septic tanks, leach lines, or drainage fields. Always check with proper authorities.


All pools installations can be complicated and should be completed by a trained professional. Quality installation of your pool is a top priority, and our experienced pool pros will do everything we can to install your pool as quickly safely as possible.

However, there are a few things outside of our control that may delay the installation date – starting with Mother Nature. Rain may set us back days or even weeks. This is due to our inability to operate equipment without leaving tracks and mud pits in your backyard.

Other adverse weather conditions like lighting, wet or frozen ground, and temperatures below 60℉ hinder pool installation dates as well. Should any of these conditions occur during the installation process, we will, of course, keep you updated on our progress.

When the weather permits, our pool pros help level the ground and dig the first 3” if installing a semi-inground pool. While above ground pools typically take 3 or 4 days to setup, a semi-inground pool may take around a few weeks to complete, depending on the weather and availability of service personnel.

We are the authorized service agents for every pool we sell and are trained to best serve you and your investment.

Need Help?

Now that you know the basics about what to consider before purchasing your pool, we’d be happy to help with any questions you may have. Get in touch with a pool expert for more information about our pool selection, installation process, financing options, and more.

young man jumping on border of empty pool
Photo by Mary Taylor on Pexels.com